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Jubilee Challenge Rules




Roles and Responsibilities

1. Director. The Director Ten Tors (the Army’s Commander South West) is responsible for the safe and efficient conduct of the Ten Tors Event and the safeguarding of the Army’s reputation with regard to Ten Tors. The Director may amend these Rules at any time and in all matters their decision is final.

2. Head of Establishment (HoE). The employer represented by the HoE (e.g. the head teacher of a school, the commandant of a cadet force, the district commissioner of scouts, the chairman of a rambling club or similar for other establishments) is ultimately responsible for the safety of participants in training, although this may be delegated to a designated Team Manager (TM). The HoE must assure the Director Ten Tors that all the team management are competent and suitable for the role to which they are assigned. By sponsoring an entry, the HoE accepts responsibility for all their participants’ behaviour in training and during the Event, including individuals who are not normally members of their own Establishment.

3. Team Manager. The TM, appointed by the HoE, is:

a. Responsible for the management and coordination of one or more teams on behalf of the Establishment and is the identified link with the Organisers.

b. Responsible for the planning, conduct and supervision of training including the production of the Establishment’s training programme.

c. Required to assure the Director that all participants are eligible to participate, agree to abide by the Ten Tors Rules, Charter and ethos, and are sufficiently trained, physically prepared and suitably equipped to complete their Challenge even in adverse conditions.

d. Responsible during the Event for the conduct and safety of participants before the start and after the finish of their Challenge, and of the team staff and supporters at all times.

e. An individual can only be the TM for one establishment, however, they may still be recorded as Team Staff for another establishment.

Where TMs are not suitably qualified to manage training or assure the Director, then they should take advice as necessary. With the agreement of the HoE, the TM may delegate training and other duties to competent and qualified assistants.

4. Participants. By taking part in Ten Tors training and participating in the Event, participants agree to strive to achieve the Charter’s objectives and are to obey the Ten Tors Rules.


5. Eligibility. Establishments from the South West Region (Bristol & NE Somerset, Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Gloucestershire, Somerset, and Wiltshire) may enter teams. Teams may be accepted from elsewhere at the discretion of the Director.

6. Team Staff Competence. As a condition of entry TMs must certify that team staff are competent as detailed in Annex C - Staff Qualifications, noting that at all times safety in training remains the responsibility of the Establishment.

7. Medical Conditions. TMs will be required at pre-registration to disclose participants’ pre-existing medical conditions (including allergies) and any medications being used, and to certify all participants’ fitness to undertake their Challenge. Any doubt as to the fitness of the participant is likely to require a dialogue between the TM and a medical practitioner familiar with the rigours and remoteness of the Challenge and documentation of the person’s fitness to undertake it. Careful consideration should be given to the potential time delay before external medical support can be provided given that this may require foot movement over long distances and arduous terrain. The Director reserves the right not to accept a participant on medical grounds

8. Liability. The Organisers accept no liability for safety in training nor do they accept liability for any injuries (including injuries resulting in death) arising from participation in the Event except to the extent that any such injury arises from the neglect or default of the Organisers. The HoE and/or participants are advised to consider any insurance requirements.

9. Data Protection. The HoE is required to provide assurance that team staff, accompanying adults, and participants (or, for those under 18, their parents) have given their approval for personal data to be stored and used by the organisers for Ten Tors’ purposes including informing medical and emergency services if required. Personal data are destroyed after the Event.

10. Photography. Official photographers record images of training and the Event. The HoE is required to certify that parents/guardians have given their consent for suitable and appropriate photographs to be taken, stored and published. A Media Consent form will need to be completed for every participant under the age of 18, which will be distributed and completed via the TM dashboard prior to the event.

11. Infringements. Individuals, teams and establishments agree to follow these Rules and accept that at any stage during the training and the Event the Director may penalise them for any of the following:

a. Breaking these Rules or any other directions given by the Ten Tors Organisers.

b. Activities likely to bring Ten Tors into disrepute.

c. Failing to meet the administrative deadlines.

12. Penalties. Penalties may include disqualification from present or future events. In all cases the decision of the Director is final.

13. Age. All participants must be between the ages of 14 and 21 as at 31 August of the year of the Challenge.

14. Individual training requirement. Before the Event participants must complete a structured and progressive programme of training. This must include, as a minimum:

a. 2 days of training at the distance the participants have been entered for (not applicable to wheelchair users).

15. Routes. It is the responsibility of TMs to select whichever of the following routes is best suited to the abilities of the Team.







Suitable for those in appropriate wheelchairs or tricycles.



Cross Country.



Cross Country.



Cross Country. JC4 ascent and descent is more demanding than JC3.

16. Composition of Teams. Teams may consist of 1 – 8 challengers of any mix of gender. Reserves may attend the Event, but they are not allowed to accompany teams, join them or substitute during the Challenge. Teams must be accompanied as detailed below at paragraph 28 of these Rules.


17. Applications. Applications to enter must be authorised by the HoE and are to be made through the TM’s dashboard on the Ten Tors website by the announced deadline. Late entries will not be accepted.

18. TMs’ Briefing. The TMs’ Briefing is held in the October of the year preceding the Event at Okehampton Camp. TMs must have attended a Briefing within the 3 years preceding the Event - if they have, a member of the Team Staff (who is registered on the TMs Dashboard) is to attend in their place. Establishments entering more than one challenge (TTC, JC and/or JC+) must send an attendee for each. Attendance at the TMs’ Brief is mandatory and failure to attend will result in Establishments being de-selected from the Event.

19. Pre-registration. The TM is responsible for pre-registering data on participants, Team Staff and accompanying adults online by the date published on the Ten Tors website.



20. Requirement. The routes are demanding expeditions, and thorough preparation and training are essential to complete the Challenges safely. The HoE is responsible, vicariously, through their TM, for all aspects of training including safety, planning, conduct and equipment.

21. Training in the Dartmoor National Park (DNP). The detailed rules for training in the DNP are contained in the Green Card – Rules for Training on Dartmoor.

22. Incidents. The TM is responsible for ensuring that the Organisers are informed within 24 hours of any Ten Tors related incident during training that:

a. Involves the emergency services.

b. Results in hospital treatment.

c. May result in media coverage.

d. May lead to complaint from a 3rd party.



23. Routes. All locations shown on a route must be visited in the sequence shown.

24. Clothing and equipment. The TM is responsible for ensuring that individuals are equipped to complete their Challenge. A list of items that must be carried or worn is at Annex B – The Kit List to these Rules.

25. TMs responsibilities. TMs and team staff are to obey the Orange Card – Rules for Team Staff which details their responsibilities during the Event.

26. Participants’ responsibilities. Participants are to obey the Pink Card – Rules for Participants which details the relevant rules and procedures for their Challenge.

27. Pets. Dogs and other pets are not allowed to accompany any of the Challengers except for certified assistance dogs.

28. Self Sufficiency. Although the ethos of Ten Tors is of self-sufficiency, the following measures are to be followed during the Challenge:

a. Each Team may consist of up to 8 Challengers and include up to 8 Accompanying Adults; however, a team (i.e. all those walking including Challengers, Walking Leader, DBS-checked adults and other assistants) must not exceed 14 people in total.

b. A nominated Accompanying Adult is to be a qualified Walking Leader. The Walking Leader is responsible for the safety of the Team throughout the Challenge and is to hold a Hill & Moorland / Summer Moorland Leader qualification except for Route 1 where a Lowland / Coast & Countryside Leader qualification is sufficient.

c. Two nominated Accompanying Adults are to be responsible for the welfare and safeguarding of their Team’s participants and are to be DBS-checked (only one is required for Teams with only one Challenger). If DBS-checked, the Walking Leader may count towards this requirement. Any individual who Falls Out or is Crashed Out from the Challenge is to be accompanied by a DBS-checked adult through the Fall Out system until handed over to the Team’s In Camp Adult.

d. A team will be Crashed Out, if it no longer has neither a qualified walking leader nor a DBS-vetted adult (a team with one Challenger may continue with one Accompanying Adult provide that person is both a qualified walking leader and is DBS vetted).

e. Teams can contain other Accompanying Adults as assistants; however, they cannot act as Walking Leaders or DBS-checked adults unless qualified to do so.

f. If at any stage a Team is no longer sufficiently accompanied, they will be held at a Safety Control until the deficiency can be made good.

g. TMs must Pre-Register all Accompanying Adults, which includes certifying that they are sufficiently fit, trained, physically prepared and suitably equipped to complete the Challenge, so that they are able to provide support to the Challengers as required.

h. At Pre-Registration, TMs may request that a member of the Ten Tors staff accompany their Team through the Challenge, however this assistance will be at the Director’s discretion and is not guaranteed.

29. In Camp Adult. TMs are to nominate themselves or a Deputy TM as the In-Camp Adult, who is to remain available in Camp to receive a Fall Out or Crash Out.

30. Medals. Participants are awarded Bronze, Silver and Gold medals for each successive time they complete the Challenge. If they succeed more than 3 times, they will continue to receive a Gold medal for subsequent successful challenges within the age limits.