TT Secretary's Notices
Wed 26 Feb 2025 — Email Updates
It has come to my attention that some of you have not been receiving emails sent from the Ten Tors email address. While I work on resolving this issue, please refer to the "Information" menu under "Email Updates" for any important messages.
The most recent update was posted on 28/02/2025.
Thu 9 Jan 2025 — Volunteer Awards
Submissions for Volunteer Awards is now open on the TM Dashboard. Please make submissions by 01/04/25
Tue 19 Nov 2024 — Where's to TT25
The eagerly anticipated 'Where's to' is now available to download as A4 or A5 booklets. We look forward to receiving your team entry no later than 01 April 2025.
Fri 15 Nov 2024 — Map collection
Team Managers - please check for an email requesting which Dartmoor National Park Visitor Centre you would like to collect maps from. 2 per team.
Wed 16 Oct 2024 — TMB Update
Thank you for attending the TMB on Saturday 12th October.
The TMB presentation is available to download (the Dartmoor National Park video has be removed due to its size).
QR codes for the Tony Clark Award, Strapline competition (closing date 13/12) and the TT26 date change can be found in the presentation or by clicking on the links.
As requested you can now download the TT25 map.
Details of when and where you can collect additional maps for your teams will be published shortly.
Tue 1 Oct 2024 — Team Managers Briefing Saturday 12 Oct Okehampton Camp
Attendance at the Ten Tors 25 Team Managers Briefing (TMB) is mandatory.
Registration opens at 0930. Do not forget to bring a paper copy of the registration form for each challenge that your establishment is entering.
All new TMs must attend the TMB.
Those who have been a TM previously must have attended a briefing within the 3 years preceding this years event - if they have, a member of the Team Staff (who is registered on the TMs Dashboard) may attend in their place.
Establishments entering more than one challenge (TTC, JC and/or JC+) must send an attendee for each. Attendance at the TM’s Brief is mandatory and failure to attend will result in establishments being de-selected from the event.
Establishments on the reserve list must also attend the TMB should you wish to be allocated a team at a later date.
Please bring a mug or drinking flash for refreshments.
Mon 1 Jul 2024 — Ten Tors 2025 - New Establishment Guidance
For those Establishments new to Ten Tors (TT) and wishing to enter a challenge please see below application guidance for TT25 entry. This guidance is applicable across all three challenges (TTC, JC and JC Plus):
Summary - A summary for all three Challenges can be found on the ‘About’ Tab under the ‘Summary’ drop down.
Ten Tors 2025 - The website will change over on 1 Aug; from this date the TT24 site will be archived and over the coming months TT25 information changed and posted. Previous years Archive can be found on the website which can be a help hand rail as you will find previous information and posts for awareness.
Key Dates - The first thing to do is check the ‘Key Dates’ which can be found on the ‘About’ Tab, drop down ‘Key Dates’.
Entries – TT25 entry will open on 2nd September for a three-week period; late entries will not be entered or selected. Each year the Event is overprescribed so if you plan on entering teams/individuals it is imperative you make note of the cut off dates. Entries are submitted using the TT website ‘TM Dashboard’. You can register for a new account from 2 Sep and not before; follow the link for New Establishments where you will be asked for an email address and create a password.
Selection Published – Once the entry closes the Selection Board sits and results are published on the website at the start of October.
Ten Tors Rules – Please read the rules for the challenge you are entering; you must be eligible as per the rules. The rules will explain Staff competencies, Medical Conditions, Liability and much more.
Annex C Staff Qualifications – Really important to look at Staff qualifications now should you need to get staff qualified and on courses.
Team Managers’ Brief (TMB) – The TMB is mandatory and will be held Saturday 12 Oct at Okehampton Camp, EX20 1QP for all selected. Representatives must be available for the whole of the Brief; early departure will result in forfeiture of the Establishment’s place(s) on TT25.
All new TMs must attend the TMB and those who have been a TM previously must have attended a Briefing within the 3 years preceding the Event - if they have, a member of the Team Staff (who is registered on the TMs Dashboard) may attend in their place. Establishments entering more than one challenge (TTC, JC and/or JC+) must send an attendee for each. Attendance at the TM’s Brief is mandatory and failure to attend will result in Establishments being de-selected from the Event.
All timings will be provided nearer the Brief, however for planning assumptions TT25s arrival reception opened from 0930hrs to 0950hrs, the brief started at 1000hrs, and finished at 1330hrs. All new Establishment Staff will have a chance to discuss any issues or request further information during this brief with an opportunity to speak to other establishments or request a mentor from an experienced TM.
Ten Tors Entry Cost – TT25 entry costs remain at
- Ten Tors Challenge: £210 per team.
- Ten Tors Jubilee Challenge: £20 for each participant.
- Ten Tors Jubilee Challenge Plus: £25 for each participant.
Payment - The payment section on TMs Dashboard’s will open in early Jan 25 for a four-week period. Payment is only accepted via the PayPal link which will be in each of the TMs Dashboard once live. A PayPal account is not required just follow the instructions when live. Further detail will be published just before the payment window opens.
Communication - The above information found on the website should provide enough guidance to get you started at this stage with more to follow. All TMs and Establishment Staff should use the website as the primary means of information dissemination and not rely on email communication. Email addresses are pulled from Dashboards after Selection results are published, but not the most reliable means as TMs occasionally change, and email addresses are not always updated.
If you have any further questions, you can email the Mailbox, however please except our apologies as there may be a delayed response as the TT Team are currently changing over with minimal staff.
We look forward to meeting both new Establishment Staff and those steadfast previous Establishments for what will be another fantastic Event TT25.