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Please note that training must be uploaded onto the TM Dashboard no later than 0800 on the Wednesday before a training weekend.

A remind of the Green card rules:

  • Rare Bird Nesting Areas (RBNAs) must not be entered during the period 1 Mar – 31 Jul except in emergency. We encourage you to not go into RBNAs before 31/03 so that participants are familiar with all out of bounds areas.

  • From 1 Feb 25 onwards:  Walking groups are limited within the North Moor (the area North of the Tavistock – Two Bridges – Moretonhampstead road and west of the 68 easting) to no more than 4 days training for a maximum of 12 + 2 adults per allocated team eg. establishments with 3 teams participating are not permitted more than 42 walkers.


I believe that some of you have not been receiving my emails so here is a summary of points that I have sent over the past few months: 

  • ALL walking groups to know about the 3Ps and carry a trowel to dig a pit.
  • Rare bird nesting areas must be on all maps including those used for training to familiarise participants with out of bounds areas.  Attached is the small addition to the RBNA.
  • ID MUST be on display and must be visible over waterproof rucksack covers.
  • Please remind participants that they should be polite to anyone that stops and speaks to them but only take advice / speak to a person with an ECM card.  We have had a report about an adult stopping groups and asking very odd questions.
  • Disrespectful attitude from staff or participants will not be tolerated. 
  • Make sure participants know what is on the green card.
  • We have asked participants to send photos to you from Ten Tors 24 and training so far this year.  If you could please make sure parents are happy for them to be used in our event guide and on social media.  If you could send suitable images to this mailbox.

Finally – please could you ask your participants if they are in a cadet force but taking participating as a school or other youth organisation not as a cadet.  I have attached a QR code for you to complete if you do have participants in this situation.  We are gathering data on how many cadets take part each. Please complete the form with the information required

Tony Clerk Award

Date change