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Help & FAQs

How can I get into a Ten Tors Challenge Team?

You need to approach your school or club for a place in their team. Applications for team entries are made by them. Ten Tors is however very popular, and each year hundreds more applications for team places are made than the 400 that can be accepted.

How can my Establishment apply?

Any establishment (school, scout group, cadet force or club) in the South West can apply to enter teams into Ten Tors. Applications have to be made through this website in September each year.  The date entries open will be published on the home page.

When are the teams selected?

The organiser's selection committee meets at the end of September each year. The list of successful entries is published on this web site as soon as possible after that time.

Why is there a 400-team limit?

Dartmoor is a unique place, and it would be destroyed by over-use of any kind. There are many competing demands for its space, habitat, food, minerals, etc... It exists in a critical balance which is under constant review. The 400-team limit was agreed partly to help maintain that balance, partly to limit the demands on the Event organisation, and partly to retain one crucial aspect of Ten Tors - that teams should as far as possible be alone on the Moor, and rely on their own resources to meet the challenges it raises.

Why wasn't my team selected?

For the reasons shown above there are only 400 teams allowed to enter Ten Tors each year. Teams are selected against a variety of criteria, including historic performance of the establishment, number of routes available, number of applicants, location, type and size of the Establishment. Late applications will not be considered, unless the distance they have applied for has not been filled.

Do I have to attend the Team Manager's Briefing?

Yes, a representative of the Establishment must attend. Team Managers are required to remain current by attending a briefing in the previous 3 years. Non-attendance will result in teams being withdrawn from the Challenge.

When are teams told the route they're on?

The assignment of Teams to Routes is made public on the Ten Tors website and on Okehampton Camp at 08:00 on the Friday preceding the Ten Tors Challenge.

Can supporters camp at Okehampton Camp?

Supporters are not encouraged to use the Camp as a campsite as it is already terribly congested. There are plenty of hostels and campsites available in the area. The Team Managers have the details.

What is the earliest a team can walk in on Sunday?

No team is permitted to walk past its 8th tor on Saturday and on all routes there is still a considerable distance to travel on Sunday after the Safety Controls and Checkpoints open at 0600. Much will depend on the conditions during Saturday, the weather and the team’s fitness. We would not expect a team to arrive before 0830.

Is Ten Tors available on my mobile?

Yes. The Ten Tors web site has been redrafted to allow access from HTML-capable phones, so you will be able to see the progress of individual teams during the Challenge using your mobile. Simply enter on your phone's browser for all the crucial information throughout the Event.

There is no Ten Tors app.